
The bees urgently need help, and helping them is our passion!

The survival of bees is at a critical point. Your immediate support is essential to prevent their decline.

Your donation today can make a significant difference. 

There are various ways you can contribute to our cause, whether you’re an individual donor or representing a company or institution.

Individual donors

Your generosity makes a real difference in supporting bee conservation efforts. Here are some donation options:

  • Direct Contribution: Make a direct contribution for an immediate impact, even with small amounts!
  • Monthly Contribution: Make a monthly contribution, to sustain our crucial mission in preserving bee populations in the long run!

Your donations are crucial in sustaining our mission to improve pollinator’s welfare!

Your contribution helps us:

  • Caring for our honeybee colonies and maintaining their beehives.
  • Creating nesting spaces for solitary bees and bumblebees.
  • Catching bee-swarms and introducing them to natural hives.
  • Continuing our education programs, including courses, training, and experiences.
  • Establishing bee-friendly environments through planting actions, providing sufficient nectar and pollen sources.

Example: Giving 30€ enables us to take care of 100 bees – Giving 45€ enables us to plant 1 square meter of bee flowers – Giving 70€ enables us to create a bee hotel.

If you are interested in learning more about bees and beekeeping, we offer:

Corporate and Institutional Partnerships

Companies and institutions play a vital role in supporting our mission. Here are some partnership options available:

  • Adopt a Bee Colony: Become the sponsor of an entire bee colony at one of our locations or your own site. Benefits include:
    • Placement of a natural hive in a safe location
    • Population of the hive with a swarm of 30,000-60,000 bees
    • Professional year-round bee support by experienced beekeepers
    • Team Building experience for your employees
    • Logo placement on the beehive & on our social media
    • Quarterly updates of the colony (for your newsletter)
  • Team Building – Bee experience: Provide your employees with a unique experience that brings them closer to nature and each other.

To sponsor a whole hive or discuss partnership opportunities, please contact Geert Van Kerckhove at geert[at]

Your support is vital in protecting bees and ensuring their well-being. Together, we can make a difference. Thank you for joining us in this important mission.

Bank Information:

Stichting Wellbeeing
IBAN : NL09 BUNQ 2034 5601 59


Help protect the bees. You can help us and the bees by making a one-time donation through this link or by making a monthly donation. If you opt for a monthly donation, you immediately make a first donation after filling in the form below. This first donation then serves as a mandate, in other words you give us permission to collect the desired amount monthly. Note that you can avoid giving a tip by selecting the option 'other' and filling in the tip amount box with €0.