A bee on someones thumb


If you are interested in a introduction course, (school) presentation, lecture, advice or training in natural beekeeping, honey product tasting or smelling, private bee visit, workshop making bee hotels in Dutch or English. Don’t hesitate to contact us at info[at]wellbeeing.org. We will buzz you back, as soon as possible.


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Our beehives locations

  • The Bee Palace or “Bijenpaleis” in the Amsterdam Westerpark, the foundation’s most public apiary. Click here for more information.
  • At Lab111, where courses & trainings take place, and we have the most hives.
  • At Leonardo Da Vinci School, where we have a hive with observation windows and we also teach school children about the importance of bees and pollinators.
  • At the Sarphatipark where we are the park’s official beekeepers inside the GroenGemaal.
  • At garden park “De Eendracht” where we yearly participate in the open apiary days. This year you are welcome on July 13th.

Contact Information

🐝 WellBeeing Foundation
🏢 Wg-Plein 475
📍1054 SH Amsterdam
📩  info[at]wellbeeing.org
KvK: 73974765
📞 For swarms catching, call us: +31 6 22 80 17 95

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